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Thursday, May 18, 2006


Could Katie Holmes have lost her body? This photo is proof that having a baby isn't always easy and quick to recover from!


Marco Antonio said...

Well duh! Most celebraties that just have babies go into hiding until their scars have been fully healed. Celebraty bodies have flesh and blood just like ours. They have the same faults we do. They aren't gods for goodness sakes, so stop treating them as if they were (not you sexy host of LatestCelebrityGossip, I'm talking about the other people:D )

Marco Antonio said...

Topographical Map or Land Rover tracks. Pick one:P

True, there is nothing you can do (outside of surgery). Live with it. We all have our scars to show for.

Tori Thompson said...

You are so right! she'll get it all removed by some "big shot plastic surgeon".

But being a celeb, wouldn't you want to cover up a little?

You know, a funny runor in the world of Celebrity Gossip is that the scars are FAKE!!! Come on now!